We are honored to be a part of so many great reviews and incorporated in all these Hot Holiday Gift Guides! We are so excited to be featured and to share all of our excitement with you. Follow us for all of the Reviews and guides we are apart of.
Channel 2 News Canada did a write up of Canada's largest specialty toy and children's book retailer Mastermind Toys. This years "2019 Holiday Gift Guide" was released and DoodleMatic is in the TOP 30! Check out the news article below:
https://www.ktvn.com/story/41227772/lets-get-gifting-mastermind-toys-is-holiday-ready-and-at-your-service While your at it, find us in their holiday magazine too!

Check out the review wire holiday gift guide!

Hub hobby is a great place to get awesome gifts! We are so happy to be apart of this guide. Check it out: https://www.hubhobby.com/holiday-catalog/
WOW! Another top toy guide we are in!