Tink Digital was founded by a husband and wife team. Their talents as a Software Engineer, and Visual Arts Teacher lead the Tink Digital team to craft creative, educational and thought provoking fun for kids of all ages.
At Tink Digital we believe that creativity is an integral part of learning and growth. To fully understand and grow within the world we believe you must be able to engage, play, tinker and interact with it. Todays kids have two worlds that they must learn to navigate for success; both the physical and digital. Therefore, we build products to promote and nourish imaginative and educational play that helps children safely interact with and build a relationship technology as a tool. By combining digital games with the physical world, our products are ones that both parents and kids alike love.
Meet The Team

Martin Horstman
CEO of Tink Digital Inc. Martin started his career in the molecular dynamics research group at Stony Brook University, where he worked on one of the fastest supercomputers in the world developing new algorithms for protein folding applications. Martin moved on to work in the network management division of EMC Smarts where he quickly advanced to the role of Sr. Software Engineer at 23 years old. Martin made key contributions to an advanced software suite focused on network monitoring and fault analysis. Martin decided to jump into the startup world and joined FAST Technologies while pursuing his own video game company, AlgoCrunch Inc. Martin has been a contractor for FAST technologies for over 9 years as a tech lead and software architect, where he has worked with a variety of clients building revolutionary life insurance admin systems. Martin’s own company, AlgoCrunch Inc has published several games on the Apple App store for itself and clients.
Martin spent 10 years creating a groundbreaking game engine which powers the DoodleMatic game and gives Tink Digital Inc a competitive edge. Martin developed the technology and the vision behind DoodleMatic, and has spent the last three years building the application to grow it to the product that people love today.

Alysha Horstman
Director of Art and Education of Tink Digital and is a High School visual arts teacher in Westchester, NY. Alysha received both her BFA in Illustration and her MAT from Rhode Island School or Design. At RISD, Alysha cultivated her passion for three things, Art, Education and Service Learning.
In her teaching practices Alysha strives to fully embrace the STEAM movement
which focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, ART and Math. Alysha believes that Art and Design thinking is critical for all students to develop critical analysis, problem solving and life skills.
More than ever today’s students need to think outside of the box to become the resourceful innovators and problem solvers our world needs.
Alysha works side by side with Martin to innovate, develop and design new products, curriculum, and ideas for Tink Digital.