Engage your students with DoodleMatic! DoodleMatic was created by a teacher and her husband with the goal of increasing student engagement, creative thinking and problem solving skills. DoodleMatic empowers students by bringing their ideas to life and flips their interaction with technology. Digital devices in the classroom can now be used for much more than just research, they can turn students into authors of their own games and ideas.
How can DoodleMatic be used in your classroom?
1. Teach and Introduce lessons
2. Reinforce/Access student learning
3. Foster creativity and problem solving skills.
DoodleMatic is a universal tool that grows with the user, benefiting students from elementary to high school levels and beyond. It helps build a foundation for design and engineering thinking and engages students with collaboration. Follow our blog for more ways to get the most out of DoodleMatic for your students!
Content limited to your education account.
Additional game mode, Worksheet!
Create rooms for class content
Unlimited Games
Email support.
Full power-ups access!
No Advertisements.
No in app purchases, all included.
Teacher portal:
Manage Rooms, users and statistics (Games made, Room membership) QR code to enable quick iPad registration or unregistration.
Easily view and play all games in account online. (for the teacher only)
Example lesson plan creation guide.
1 Year subscription per device, Multiple students supported.
Email: for more information!